Friday, September 26, 2008

FAmiLy MAtterS!!

WOW!!! Well first off i would like to say sisters and brothers are a pain in the BUTT. Really anybody with siblings would agree. However, at the end of the day you will always love them. The picture above tells you how big my family is and that's not even half of them. Though, my sisters are the ones of course that look like me. lol That isn't all of my siblings I am still missing my little brother who fortunately could not stay because it was a all woman affair. No men ALLOWED!!! specifically, said and the girl in the yellow and the other in blue are my cousins. We are really close and can literally call them my little siblings. The woman in the yellow is my grandmother on my father's side and was the woman we were giving thanks to for being the glue to keep our family together. Even though, i get frustrated with her she will always be my lovely beautiful queen. That day was special because it brought us closer as sisters and a family. We cried, laughed, and danced together it just showed what i stated before that eventhough they may get on your nerves. Without a doubt u will always love them till the end of time.
Jones Family

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